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What Are Doctors Saying About Magnetic Therapy? Print E-mail


"The big question in the scientific community is exactly how magnets produce such amazing pain relieving sensations. At this time no one can answer that question. But regardless of how they work, there is no question that they work." Dr. Julian Whitaker"

Pain is a universal condition - all of us have it at one time or another.. Many people don't like taking drugs, and they are seeking alternative approaches for therapy... I was a skeptic about magnets until I did a study that proved they worked!" Carlos Vallbona, M.D. - Baylor College of Medicine, Dept. of Family and Community Medicine and Distinguished Service Professor

"They (magnets) have proven effective in more than 80% of patients... In some cases such as carpal tunnel syndrome, the success rate is 95%. There's no doubt about it - millions of people can be helped from chronic pain by the use of magnets." W. Bradley Worthington, MD, Former President of the Tennessee Society of Anesthesiologists

"This is not magic, there is nothing mystical about this... We have tested magnets on more than 5,000 patients and there is absolutely no doubt? the treatment works!" Robert Holcomb, MD, Assistant Professor a Neurology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center


"Magnetic energy has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, lymph flow, hormone production, nerves and muscles." Dr. Ulrich Warnke, MD - Magnets To Overcome Pain. The New Healing Method

"The astounding results obtained through magnet therapy gives it a place of considerable importance in the field of therapeutics." Neville S. Bengali, MD - Magnet Therapy: Theory and Practice

"This is the most exciting thing I have seen since I discovered chiropractic for the first time. All chiropractors should know about magnet therapy." Dr. George A. Rolfs, D.C. - Energy Therapy


"Our players have used magnets for two years and they have proven to be an effective aid in the recovery of professional football's aches, pains and injuries." Ryan Vermillion, MD, Director of Rehabilitation for the Miami Dolphins


"I can't say anything officially yet, but let's face it: this treatment (magnetic therapy) is a Godsend. It's good for almost anything." Dr. Kenneth S. Mclean, MD - Bioenergy Newsletter, Feb. 1986


"Magnetic therapy in Japan and elsewhere in parts of Europe and Asia has become a kind of folk medicine, a reliable form of medical self-care." Richard Leviton - "Healing with Nature's Energy" East-West Journal, June 1986

"We now stand on the verge of a great new age in magnetic science and its application - a tool that has been provided by Mother Nature herself," Dr. Ralph U. Sierra - Power in a Magnet To Heal




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We are not medical professionals, and we cannot make any medical claims about the therapeutic use of magnets. We are not in any way promoting them as medical devices. Do not use magnetic products as a substitute for necessary treatments. Never place magnets over an open wound. Individuals with internal or external electrical devices such as pacemakers, insulin pumps or defibrillators should not use magnets. Not recommended for use during pregnancy. Please consult with a health care professional if in question.